Names as Language and Capital

The third edition of the symposium Names in the Economy will be organized by the Meertens Instituut in Amsterdam from 11-13 June 2009. The theme of this edition is: Names as language and capital.


Important Dates

1 November 2008
Closing date for paper proposals
15 January 2009
Notification of acceptance of paper proposals
1 April 2009
Closing date for registration
1 May 2009
Closing date for the submission of the full papers
11-13 June 2009


This third symposium continues the tradition of the 'Names in the Economy' meetings held in Antwerp in 2006 and in Vienna in 2007. During these meetings results from ongoing research have been presented and the communication between scholars from various disciplines has been intensified. The objectives of the symposium in 2009 in Amsterdam are to extend the interdisciplinary dialogue, to explore new fields in onomastics (i.e. the scientific study of names) and to elevate the scientific and societal relevance of this academic discipline.


Meertens Instituut, DOC Namen
PO Box 94264
1090 GG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel.: +31 20 462 85 85 (monday & tuesday)
e-mail: nite [AT]

Local scientific committee

  • Reina Boerrigter, MA
  • dr. Doreen Gerritzen
  • dr. Harm Nijboer

International scientific committee

  • prof. dr. Frans Hinskens (Meertens Institute / VU University Amsterdam)
  • prof. em. dr. Ludger Kremer (University of Antwerp)
  • prof. dr. Julia Kuhn (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration)
  • dr. Paula Sjöblom (Turku School of Economics)

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