Sandwiched prepositions and the structure of the Particle Phrase in Fering Öömrang (North Frisian)

Jarich Hoekstra

Fach Friesische Philologie/Nordfriesische Wörterbuchstelle, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
In the North Frisian dialects, sentences like the one in (1) occur:
  1. Diar mei'k nä&aunl;n panang ütjfördu
    There may-I not-a penny out-for-give
    'I won't spend a penny for something like that'
In this sentence, a stranded preposition (för) is sandwiched between the particle (ütj) and verb part (du) of the particle verb (ütjdu). The phenomenon of a stranded preposition appearing between a secondary predicate and the verb is well known from other West Germanic languages, but North Frisian seems to be the only language in which the preposition may follow a verbal particle. In my talk, I will try to account for this state of affairs by relating it to another unique property of North Frisian: it is the only Germanic language, in which the Verb Phrase and the Particle Phrase are asymmetrical, i.e. it has a left-branching VP and a right-branching PartP (at least at the surface).
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